Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gage Update

Here's an update on Gage. I recently posted about his RSV. Well we went back for a follow up on Friday and his oxygen was at 80 after 2 breathing treatments so our pediatrician gave a him a shot of steroids and called the amebulance to take us to the ER. We went out on a gurney and arrived at Summerlin Medical Center. Sean soon followed and Michelle (mother-in-law) was amazing and stayed with Vaughn and Pax.

Gage was admitted and Sean stayed until we were all set up. He had a nasal cannula in his nose and a SaO2 monitor attached to his toe that constantly beeped if his O2 went below 84 which it did a lot because he is 9 months old and wants to move around! He was confined to his crib which looked like a jail cell. I felt so bad for him!! His O2 steadily improved over Saturday but I missed being with Pax on her birthday, so sad for me. Pax and Vavughn were both home sick with fevers and Sean and Michelle took such great care of them.

Mindy came to visit Saturday night on Valentine's Day! She is such a great friend. She just sat with me and talked to me and it was so great. And she brought us dinner last night. Thank you! Kim & Levi brought me dinner on Saturday night which was delicious and saved me from hospital food! It was hard to leave the room cuz I only could if Gage was sleeping. They had a play room where I could go get toys and bring them to his crib. USA played happy cheesy romantic comedies all day on Valentine's so that at least kept me entertained.

Everyone was so great. Thank you. We had an awesome day nurse named Melissa who came to check on us and would suction out Gage's nose with electronic nasal suctioner which helped him breathe easier. Gage was discharged on Monday afternoon and we went to Dr. Glasser's for a follow up yesterday and his O2 was at 94. We decided to give him some prednisolone (a steroid) for 3 days to help him get better faster and to continue with the nebulizer/albuterol, gradually weaning him off by Sunday night.

Overall this has been a most stressful week. But I am grateful for friends and family who called and took care of us and prayed for Gage. I know it helped tremendously.


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