Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight in Forks

I went home for 2-1/2 weeks and while I was there I made the whole fam bundle up and join me on an expedition to Forks so I could see Twilight sights and get souvenirs for all my Twilight-obsessed friends at home. So we all went (Ayris, Amric, Tyler, Mom, and the kids) with Amric hum-bugging all the way there. We got to the Chamber of Commerce which has a Bella-Red truck in the front and is totally decked out in Twilight style. It was great. I got bumper stickers and Forks Twilight maps. Then a photographer from The Olympian asked if he could follow us around while we took pics of the town. Of Course!! It was awesome and made me so excited. We went to "Bella's" house and then drove over by the Police Station and then to the "Cullen's" house. Then we headed to Forks High School, Home of the Spartans! We took pics of the front and of course the parking lot. We then headed out to La Push and First Beach which was breathtakingly beautiful. I loved every second of it. I'm adding some pics. When I get another second I'll blog about the psycho in the La Push convenience store. Here's the link to our pics in The Olympian, courtesy of Tyler.


"M" Clan said...

Okay, you win for the most obsessed! Sounds like so much fun, great pics... crazy you were THERE! xo

Whitney Seaberg said...

Still waitin to hear about the psycho in the LaPush store....